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Data Retention


When using the server, by default any data uploaded is stored on the server until the user manually deletes it, however, the settings in this section allows users to change the default settings and specify the data retention rules and when data should be deleted automatically.


Windows Services

For data retention rules to take place, the service for the Theorem Experience Server needs to be running. In this section you have the option to Start the service if it has been switched off. You also get additional options such as Pause, Stop and Kill service if a need for them arises.


Uploaded Source Data

The options here allow you to set the retention for the source data. When a file is uploaded, the source data is submitted for processing, by default the source data is retained on the server, this allows you to resubmit uploads with different settings.

You can change the settings for retention in this section, there are 3 options:

On not processed – this is the retention of data that has not been processed

On process failing – this is for data that has been uploaded but failed processing

On processing success – this is for data that has been uploaded and processed successfully

For each setting you can choose either to keep the data or keep for a specified number of days.


Intermediate Data

Intermediate data is data that has come from comments added during a session, this data can be used to export a pdf file and data for this is stored by default.


Model Processing Log Files

When a model is processed, log files are created and stored for each model. You can choose to keep log files for:

On process failing – this is for data that has been uploaded but failed processing

On processing success – this is for data that has been uploaded and processed successfully


Metadata Excel files

Users can upload Excel spreadsheets with Metadata information, this can be assigned to specific models. This data is also stored and the user has the ability choose the retention settings for these files.


Server Event Logs

The Theorem Experience Server records all event logs which can be viewed by Administrators, this data is also stored by default and data retention settings can be changed.


After any changes have been made in this section it is important to select the Update Settings option at the bottom of the page to save the settings.


External Data Directories

In this section you can specify directories that contain Scan Data such as pointclouds or Documents. As these types of data do not get processed or converted, you must specify the local directory where that data is stored. The "Non-Processed" file listings can be refreshed to list pre-existing content found in those folders (including subordinate folders). This quickly makes existing data available without uploading each file first.

Note that if in IIS this web application's 'Application pool' is set to run as 'ApplicationPoolIdentity' rather than a proper Windows user account then you will likely see an 'UnauthorizedAccessException'.


1.To specify a new directory, first click on Insert Row

2.A small prompt window will appear where you will need to select the type of data you want to specify. You can select from Scan, Document or Guide media. Select the type of data click the tick mark to confirm

3.In the enter Path area, enter a directory where the data is located locally and press enter

4.Select Save Changes

It will now read the specified directory and display the number files it has read in that location and whether it is accessible:


(Experimental) File Processing on an External Server

You can setup multiple Pipeline servers where 1 could be acting as the front end server and the other as the back end server. Data uploaded to the front end is pushed to back end server to be processed. After processing, the data needs to be verified before it is pushed back to the front end.

By default the Mode for the server is set to off, you can select Front End or Back End here and select Set to update the mode for the current server.

Once the mode is set you need to add URLs of other Visualization pipeline servers. This server must be able to sign in to those other servers and be set as a front or back end server themselves, it will look for a matching URL in Windows Credential Manager to obtain login credentials. We do not allow Windows Credentials to be set via this web interface. Please ask your Administrator for assistance in setting the credentials for the IIS application pool user in Windows Credential Manager.

To enter a URL first select Insert Row then enter the server type (front or back end) and the URL of the server. After clicking save changes, it will search for the specified server and check if it can read the credentials, the row will be updated if it has or has not found the credentials: