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Upload History


Upload History shows an Administrator what data has been uploaded to the system, whether it has been processed, when the processing started, when the processing completed and any errors that were identified. This page is important for an Administrator to monitor and correct any data issues. A user will be shown information reported on this page in a table with the syntax:

Active in user roles: Admin




File Size

Size of processed model in Kb

File Format

3D File format

Uploaded By

Which User uploaded the data

Upload Date Time

Date and Time the job was uploaded by the User

TPM Submit Date Time

Date and Time the job was submitted for processing


ID of the processing job

TPM Completed Date Time

Time and Date that the job completed

TPM Status

A status of the processing job

TPM Error

If 'TPM Status' is error this will show a description of the error


Download As…


Allows the download of the Report History table in various formats.





User selects format and the file is automatically created and downloaded.