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Factory Layout Menu

(Design Review/Factory Layout only)







Undoes the last action.

Select this to undo your last action.


Redoes the previous action.

Select this to redo previous action.

Undo All

Undoes all previous actions

Selecting this will undo any actions you have done.


Opens a list of waypoints that can be teleported to.

Select this option to view the list of Waypoints that are available for the layout


In the window that appears, you will see the name of the Waypoint and a description if available

When you select a Waypoint, you will move to that position in the model

Use the right or left arrow to browse the next or previous page of Waypoints if required

Select the X button on the top right of the window to close the window

Tabletop Mode

Shrinks the model to a viewable format

Use this option to shrink / scale down the model so the full layout can be in view. Press this option again to scale the layout back to its original size.



Allows the creation of checklists (only in collaboration)

Click here for more information on checklists.

Path Analysis

Records paths of models to allow for path routing decisions

Click here for more information on Path Analysis tools.