Navigation: Theorem Visualization Pipeline > Server Home Page > Collaboration > Saved

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The Saved Menu provides the User the ability to view and reopen Saved collaboration sessions. It allows the user to open the session straight from the server rather than going into a client app to open them.




Session Name

This is the name given to the session at the time of creation, it will be in the form of {Name}_{DDMMYYYY}

Last Creator

The name of the user who created the session

Last Start Time

The time the session was created

Last End Time 

The time the session was ended


Users who have been invited to the session

Is Running

True or False whether the session is still running

Comment Count

Number of comments left by Users in the session

Download Comments

Download a 3D PDF containing the target model and all comments recorded during the session

Download File


Saved Model Name

Target model name if saved

Saved Model Id

Target model unique ID

Saved Experience Name


Saved Experience Data