Navigation: Theorem Visualization Pipeline > Server Home Page > Manage > File Processing > Theorem Cds

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Reviewing the usage of the Manage > File Processing > Theorem CDs. This page provides details of the Theorem CDs that are installed and detected by the system and also gives the ability to manually add them.

The user needs to have set Theorem Conversions via Theorem Conversions before being able to set CDs.

Active in user roles: Admin



A user will be shown various theorem conversions automatically detected and a table with manually defined conversions:

Theorem conversions found in registry:

Theorem Solutions v21.3.01 INVENTOR -> JT

Theorem Solutions v22.1.01 CATIA V5 <> JT

Theorem Solutions v22.1.02 CATIA V5 > 3DPDF





Unique ID of the CD


Name of the CD

Installation Path

Path to the CD install

Release Date

Date the CD was released

Provided Conversions

The Theorem installation that provides the translation

Name Name of conversion (in the form ABC_XYZ)

Input Set release date

Output Preferred CD to use