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Assembly Structure


Control the amount of objects that are processed by the Optimization. Reducing the complexity of the assembly tree structure can help with visual performance.


Only one of 'Collapse', 'Collapse level', and 'Group by Material' may be enabled at a time. 'Combine' and 'Group by Material' cannot be used together.

Collapse Level (Integer)

oSetting the collapse level to 'n' causes sub-assemblies 'n' levels deep to be collapsed into a single parts.

oE.g. Setting 1 will use top level and level 1 sub-assemblies. All below this level is combined.

Retain collapsed geometry as an 'Ungroup' experience

oAllow collapsed geometry to be split by mesh from within app

Collapse File (Selection)

oSub-assemblies can be collapsed based on a 'collapse file' that includes or excludes nodes from the collapse process by name.

oSee Manage > Advanced Processing Settings for details on this.


oIf a part consists of multiple solids combine them in to one if possible.

Group By Material

oRestructure the assembly to group solids together based on their material.

Combine JT Files

oA TDP that contains multiple JT files can be combined with this option. Useful for creating a single model structure. When combined models can then be sliced.

Extract top level assemblies

oConverts all top level assembly nodes into their own models which are processed individually. A factory layout experience is made which contains each model as moveable components.

oAxis rotation

oCAD models may need a rotation value to rotate the whole assembly before processing each model so that the orientations are correct for the layout.