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Welcome to the TheoremXR online help


These help pages provide detailed descriptions of your Theorem-XR server and applications. From the help pages you will be able to:


Navigate through topics to find information required

Search all documentation


The navigation and search panels can be found on the left pane and your selected topic will appear on the right pane.



Use the  menu to navigate to the topic area you require. There will be a 'breadcrumb' trail on the top left of each topic page that will allow you to navigate back through the menus.  In the top right of the topic page will appear arrows that will allow you to cycle to the previous or next topic. Many topics will have "Related Topics" at the bottom of each page. To use these, just click to navigate to them and click 'back' in your browser to return.



Use the  menu to search for any topic using a word or phrase.




You can provide feedback or ask questions on any topic using the "Send Comments" button located on the top right of any topic. Alternatively, you can email us directly on ''. Please include the following in any correspondence:



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