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Multi-Level Projects

Multi-level projects allow for more defined storage areas for models. Sub-projects may be made to further organize the models inside.

To do this navigate to the project model page found at Data > Projects > View Model for ‘project name’. 


The next page will display a project structure view for the selected project. To create a new project sub-folder right click on the level at which the folder should be placed under and select ‘New’.

When a project sub-folder is created a name can be added. Once a name has been input, click away and the project sub-folder will be created.

To add a model to the newly created project sub-folder, select the models to move and click ‘edit’ or if multiple models are being moved then click ‘edit many’.

Make sure ‘Move this model to the specified folder’ is selected and then below the subfolder may be selected. The arrow on the left allows for the expansion of the structure.

Click ‘Save Changes’ when finished.