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Manage Cache


Caching allows for models to be downloaded to storage for use in offline modes and quicker loading as models do not have to be downloaded again. The 'Manage Cache' menu lets users control what specific data is and is not stored on the local device.



The image above shows the list of available cached models along with their Name, Size and Time stamp for when it was cached. Beside each model there is also a delete button which allows you to remove specific models.


Along the top is the below menu bar:



The 'Clear Cache' button removes all cached models. 'Name', 'Date' and 'Size' allow you to manipulate the currently displayed models in specific orders based on what is selected. 'Search...' allows searching for a specific model name (This updates after each interaction such as entering or removing a character.) The 'Clear' button will remove all input from the search box and return it to its original state.