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Flex LM Licensing


Theorem software is protected by FlexLm licensing software. You will need to have a license cut for your machine in order for TPM and CADVerter to function.

Please download the Theorem Composite Generator from this link. 

Requesting a Theorem License

Once downloaded, please extract the contents of the zip file

Run the “theorem_composite.exe” application in a command prompt.

You are presented with information that identifies your machine for FlexLm licensing. 




Take note of the “Host Name”, “Flexlm ID” and “Host ID” values. 

Email your Theorem support representative to request licenses for the “Theorem Experience Server”, TPM and any CADverters you require. Provide the “Host Name”, “Flexlm ID” and “Host ID” values.

oWe recommend redirecting this output to a txt file and sending this file to us. You can do this by typing the following syntax:

                              (C:\Theorem_Composite\theorem_composite.exe > C:\Theorem_Composite\composite_output.txt)




You should receive a license file via email.

Please find a video of this process by clicking here 


Setup Flex LM License Server

Once your license has been generated you should have been provided with a .msi file download for Flex LM. Please download and double click the .msi file and complete the installation process as follows:

Double click the .msi file to launch the process and select ‘Next’



Review the agreement, select the check box and select Next




Review the installation location, select whether you wish to have a Start Menu and Desktop icon and press Next




Press ‘Install’ to begin installation




Upon completion, select the ‘Finish’ button – this will in turn launch the LM Tools application







Once open, select the ‘Config Services’ tab and use the ‘Browse’ option to select your license file. It is recommended that your license file is stored in the Flex LM installation directory and renamed to license.lic

Toggle on both 'Start Server at Power Up' and 'User Services'




Once the license file has been selected, select ‘Save Service’ and press ‘Yes’ on the confirmation pop up window.

Now, select the ‘Start/Stop/Reread’ tab and select ‘Start Server’

The following message will be shown – if not please contact for assistance.




Your Licensing Server is now running and ready.

With the license server up and running, it is recommended to change the Windows Service to start automatically. Launch Windows Services Management Console and locate ‘Theorem Solutions License’. ‘Stop’ the service, then right click and select ‘Properties’. Change the Start Up type to be Automatic and press ‘Apply’. Now ‘Start’ the service again.




Set Theorem License File Environment Variable

Open Windows Control Panel and navigate to “System & Security” > “System”

Click on “Advanced System Settings” and then the “Environment Variables” button.

Add a System Environment Variable by pressing “New” and with the Variable name THEOREM_LICENSE_FILE and Value 7601@YOURPC where YOURPC is the Host Name of your machine found in Requesting a Theorem License. Press OK to set.