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 Alignment Menu








Activates the alignment menu and bounding box interaction capability for scenery alignment

Select the icon using the pointer to enter alignment mode.


Allows the user to select the source face that will be aligned to

All selectable component faces will be visible as white transparent surfaces.


To define a primary face, hover over the required face, and use the left mouse button to select it. Once it is selected the face will appear in red.


Once the primary face is defined, select the alignment menu again and then select to define the secondary face


Allows the user to select the the target model face that will move in alignment to the primary face

All selectable component faces will be visible as white transparent surfaces.


To define a secondary face, hover over the required face, and use the left mouse button to select it. Once it is selected the face will appear in red.


Once the primary and secondary face is defined, select the alignment menu again and then select to confirm.


Completes the alignment process

Select the icon using the pointer to confirm the alignment face choices. The secondary face will move aligned to the primary one.


Clears the selected faces from the cache

Select the icon using the pointer