Navigation: TheoremXR Applications > TheoremXR for Hololens > TheoremXR HoloLens 2 > Experiences > In App Menus > Add (Design Review/Factory Layout)

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Add Menu

(Design Review/Factory Layout only)


Use your finger to press the Add thumbnail or hover the pointer and selection button over it and air tap, to select it, a window will open on the right with further options:



Models available to add are organised in various folders:

Library – models that have been configured as library components

Loaded – models that have already been loaded

Recent – models that you have added recently

Scenery – models that can be placed into their world origin position when added and as an assembly or loaded as a component

Manikin – ergonomic Male / Female manikins


Models can be sorted by:





To view project folders select Project under the section Group.


To search for a particular model, select the text box under Filter, a virtual keyboard will appear where you can type in text to search for a model, the model list will display the searched model if found.

Clicking on Common files will display the common models available.

For scenery, click on Load as Component to load a scenery model as a component rather than an assembly.

Use the option Close on Load to close the Add menu after a component has been loaded.


To select a model to load:

Use your finger to select a model or use the pointer and selection button to hover over a model and air tap to select

The model will load into the scene

If the model has been loaded from Scenery it will be placed at its origin and cannot be manipulated

Models loaded as components or library can be manipulated


To load a model in Azure Remote Rendering the toggle for 'Use ARR' must be on.


Manikins can be added into the scene by selecting either Male or Female:

To manipulate them, hover the pointer and selection button over them then air tap and hold to select

Move your hand to position them

Release the air tap to place them in that position

Manikins can also be postured:


oHover the pointer and selection button over the bar shown on the Manikin

oAir tap to expand the options

oSelect a pre configured posture to position the manikin. You can choose from the following postures:


Unsupported reach right

Supported right

Unsupported reach left

Supported left

Crouch reach right

Crouch reach left
