Navigation: TheoremXR Applications > TheoremXR for Hololens > Installation Guide

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Installing the software


The application can be downloaded from the Microsoft store on the device or sideloaded.


The ability to side-load HoloLens applications is assumed.


Installation instructions are as followed:


          1. Download the install pack from the link provided by Theorem.

          2. Unzip the package into a folder of your choice and navigate to it.

          3. Connect your HoloLens 2 device to the Windows Device Portal via USB or WiFi (You will need your Portal ID and Password to do this)

          4. Navigate to the Apps Pane:




          5. In the Deploy Apps section of the Apps Pane, select Browse to the .appxbundle and select the “framework packages” option before pressing Next:



          6. Browse to the Dependencies folder and select the ARM64 Dependency before selecting Install:




          7. The following panel will be displayed after successful Installation: