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Add Component
On launching the add menu, a user will be presented with the model load panel to select which data they want to load:
The panel is split into panel display control options and model selection options.
Panel Display Control Options:
Page Left - When a user has multiple pages of models to choose from, this allows a user to cycle left of the pages.
Page Right - When a user has multiple pages of models to choose from, this allows a user to cycle right of the pages.
Refresh - If a new model is available on the server, this refreshes the models to sync with the server.
Sort by Name - Selecting sorts the model list alphabetically, selecting again to show in reverse order.
Sort by Date - Selecting sorts the model list by date, selecting again to show in reverse order.
Sort by Size - Selecting sorts the model list by size, selecting again to show in reverse order.
Filter - Enter a model name to filter the models shown on screen to only ones containing the search string.
Group by Project - Enabling this toggle sorts the data into project folders and a user can select which projects worth of data to access.
Model Selection
There will be a list of thumbnails to select from. The thumbnail shows the data that will be loaded on selection. Hovering over a thumbnail will show you the data name and its size. On selection of a data set, your chosen data will then be loaded into the design review. The data is segregated into several ways:
Library - Standard components stored in libraries on the TVP are accessible here. To find the component you need, first select the library you want to view, then select the component you wish to load into the design review. You can then use standard manipulation tools to place it where required.
Loaded - Any component that is currently already loaded into a design review will be shown here. Select the component you wish to load into the design review. You can then use standard manipulation tools to place it where required.
Recent - Any component that has been interacted with since the session has been opened will be shown here. Select the component you wish to load into the design review. You can then use standard manipulation tools to place it where required.
Scenery - This will show you all components available to you in a project. If you find a component you require and select this option, it will be loaded by default into the design review as "scenery". This means it will load in the location at which it was designed in the source CAD system. If before you select the component you require, "Load as component" is checked, the part will then be loaded in front of you this allows the use of the manipulation tools to place it where required.
Scans - Scanned data components available to you are accessed from here. Use the Right Trigger on the scanned data set you wish to load into the design review.
Manikin - Standard manikins can be placed in a design review. Select the manikin you require by using the Right Trigger, it will then appear in your design review, and you will be able to place it using the standard manipulation tools. Each manikin has several standard poses, to set each one, select the drop-down list visible on the manikin and use the right trigger to confirm the pose required.