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 Panel Manager Menu






Model Information

Opens window for metadata on parts.

Select the tab using the pointer and selection button and the Right Trigger.



Allows the focus of desktop windows within the application.

Select the tab using the pointer and selection button and the Right Trigger to toggle on.


Use your Pointer to select the Inner slider and move left or right to set the distance of when full geometry is visible.


Use the Outer slider to control the distance of when the bounding box of the geometry is shown.



Opens the Minimap.

Select the Minimap tab using the pointer and selection button and Right Trigger to display the Minimap.



By default, the mini map will display a plan view of a layout, a user can see their location and the location of any waypoints that can be used. Select any waypoint to jump to that location in the layout. There are full controls on the display of the minimap. Point at any of the buttons to determine what each does.



Displays a list of waypoints available.

Select the Waypoint tab using the pointer and selection button and the Right trigger to display a list of Waypoints.


From this menu you can select any waypoint to teleport to that view.


Add Component

Opens the Add Component Menu.

Select the tab using the pointer and selection button and the Right Trigger.


To learn more about adding components click here.


Swap Materials

Assign new materials to parts.

Select the tab using the pointer and selection button and the Right Trigger. When selected, the Swap Materials window will appear in the top right.


Select Pre-Set materials to browse the available material library.


Select a material and then select a part on the model to change its material.


Select Custom Materials to define your own custom material.


Go to Create New Material and select the colour.


oUse the parameters in this window to adjust the colour and finish of the material.


oAdd a material name in the text box and then select on Save.


oAll saved custom materials will be shown in the Custom Library tab which you can use to apply to parts.


Use the Reset Materials button in the top right of the window to revert all materials on the model back to default material.



Model Information

Opens window for metadata on parts.

Select the tab using the pointer and selection button and the Right Trigger.


Desktop Keyboard 

Opens a virtual keyboard to type on.

Select the tab using the pointer and selection button and the Right Trigger.



Control the replay of motion data.

If you have loaded a model with associated animation replay data, the animation icon will appear. Select the tab using the pointer and selection button and the Right Trigger to activate the animation window.




All available animation models will be listed. Select:


Play icon to play an individual animation replay and pause to stop it.


Reset All to reset all animations.


Play All to play all available animations.


Pause All to pause all animations.


Select an individual animation to set specific replay settings and manually control the key frames:




Opens the Tool Menu

Select the tab using the pointer and selection button and the right trigger.


Once selected the following menu will be shown, all tools are used by pressing the Right Trigger:



No Tool: There is no tool selected


Pen: Replaces the pointer and selection button with a pen able to draw in experiences.


Sealer Gun: Replaces the pointer and selection button with a sealer gun for more precise sketching.


Pointer Sealer: Replaces the pointer and selection button with a fine tipped sealer gun to enable sketching from a distance.


Spray Paint: Replaces the pointer and selection button with a spray can which allows a wide nozzle spray of colour.


Eraser: Deletes selected tool sketching.


Erase All: Deletes all tool sketching.


Colour Picker: Allows the edit of the sketch colour through the use of a palette. Use the pointer and selection button and right trigger to select the colour required.