Navigation: Theorem Visualization Pipeline > Server Home Page > Licensing > Device Based Licensing > Completed Requests

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Completed Requests 


View the list of completed licence requests to this server.




Request ID

This ID will be specific to each device, when the client attempts to connect to a server they don’t have access too they receive this ID

Request Date

Date the request was made

Licence ID 

generic id created by the server for the licence

Machine ID

ID generated for the device

Machine type

Detail of machine specified when providing a licence

Machine description

Description to give you context on what machine/device the licence is for

Supplied User Name

Email address specified for the customer

Customer ID 

Generic id created by the server for the licence

Customer company

Name of customer specified when registering new customer

Customer contact

Name specified when registering the new customer

Customer email

Email address specified for the customer


Licence requests can be deleted by toggling on the check box on the left of the line item, then selecting Delete found at the top of the page.