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 Design Review Menu







Author and travel in your scene to predefined locations

select the icon using the pointer, the waypoints menu will be displayed. The menu can be divided into, waypoint authoring and waypoint usage:


Waypoint usage:

The main central body of the waypoint menu will display all the created available waypoints for a user. To jump to a waypoint location select the waypoint listed with a left mouse click.


Hide Waypoints - all waypoint labels will be visible from within the application. To hide the waypoints from view in application please left click this.


Waypoint Authoring

A user can generate new waypoints in two ways:

Add New at View Position - Select with left mouse button to generate a new waypoint at the current eye view height

Add New at Feet Position - Select with left mouse button to generate a new waypoint at the feet position at the standard model view height.


On selecting the new waypoint, a user is presented with the authoring menu:



Here a user can define a waypoint name and description. They can also amend the waypoint view settings. Click "Apply Changes" to confirm your waypoint settings.


The following shortcuts allow you to edit existing waypoints:

  Click to enable edit mode for the waypoint selected

  Click to delete the waypoint selected


Reset - Reset any changes to the last saved state. Left click to use

Save - Save commits any changes to the waypoints. Left click to use

Table Top View

Shrink a layout from full scale down to small scale to review whole review easily

select the icon using the pointer to select


When enabled the whole layout will shrink down to a fraction of its size around the review origin. In small scale mode all manipulation tools can still be used to alter a layout.


Selecting the icon again with the left mouse button will disable table-top view and the layout will return to full scale.

Hide / Show

Hide and Show components in the layout

select the icon using the pointer to enable hide / show controls. Once enabled you will be able to:


Hover over a part and press the "Q" key to hide it.

Press the "E" key to bring back the last hidden part

Press the "Q" key to bring back all hidden parts


Select the icon again using the left mouse button to disable the hide / show controls.

Save Layout

Saves the current open layout

Select the icon using the pointer. Your save will be confirmed, click the red cross to close this panel.

Save As New

Saves the current review as a new unique review name

Select the icon using the pointer. Your new design review name will be displayed. Click the red cross to close this panel.