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Model Load
On launching the application in either single user or collaboration mode, a user will be presented with the model load panel to select which data they want to load:
The panel is split into panel display control options and model selection:
Panel Display Control Options
Page Up - When a user has multiple pages of models to choose from, this allows a user to cycle up the pages. Also allows the user to back out of the directory once at the top.
Page Down - When a user has multiple pages of models to choose from, this allows a user to cycle down the pages.
Refresh - If a new model is available on the server, this refreshes the models to sync with the server.
Sort by Name - Click sorts the model list alphabetically, click again to show in reverse order.
Sort by Date - Click sorts the model list by date, click again to show in reverse order.
Sort by Size - Click sorts the model list by size, click again to show in reverse order.
Search - Enter a model name to filter the models shown on screen to only ones containing the search string.
Group by Project - Enabling this toggle sorts data into project folders and a user can select which projects worth of data to access.
Show Common Files - Enabling this toggle shows all public common files in a users model listing.
Use Height Layout Offset - Enabling this toggle ensures that when data is loaded initially in a layout it comes in at its CAD modelled height rather than at the default scene floor level.
Model Selection
The user will be presented with a list of thumbnails to select from. The thumbnail shows the data that will be loaded on selection. The thumbnail also contains a number in the top left corner, this is the number of experiences associated to this data. Hovering over a thumbnail will show you the data name and its size. On selection of a data set, you will be provided options on how to then load the chosen data:
The user can select to launch in "visualization" or select and associated "Design Review" or "Factory Layout" experience. The user can sort all associated experiences and sort them as per the previous panel. Clicking the X in the corner will return a user to the Model Load panel.
View Guides
Selecting the "View Guides" button will show a user any guides available on their server. Select the Guide to open it
Clicking the "Home" button will return a user to the Home Page
If there are many model entries it will be beneficial to convert the model listing panel to update sequentially. To do this contact to assist updating the web service and state 'Pagination' in the subject name.